• GARAGECON (at the VFW)

    01/18/25 9a-5p

    It’s cold outside, but the comic book deals are hot inside!


    03/02/2025 9a-2p

    The Spector Club Show is one of Missouri’s longest running comic book shows. You truly never know what you will find at this show.


    03/21/25 - 03/23/25

    Our biggest show of the year and Kansas City’s biggest and baddest comic convention. We pull out all the stops for this one.


    05/17/25 10a-4p

    The CoMo Comic Book Show is our hometown comic book extravaganza. Ok… maybe we’re biased since it’s our own show, but we think it’s pretty awesome.


    05/25/25 9a-2p

    NOT on Mother’s Day this year! ;)


    07/27/25 9a-2p

    Same great show, just with lots of sticky, gross Missouri summer heat.


    09/14/25 9a-2p

    It’s the Spector Club Show again, but you can almost taste the pumpkin spice at this one.


    10/18/25 10a-4p

    That’s right, the CoMo Comic Book Show is doubling up on 2025.


    This is it! Your last opportunity to shop the Spector Club Show for 2025. Thanksgiving is just a few short days after, so get a jump start on your Christmas shopping!

Drew Stuart Drew Stuart

Best of Columbia 2022 Nomination!

I’m happy to report that I have been nominated for Inside Columbia magazine’s Best of Columbia 2022! I have been nominated in the Best Social Media Influencer/Online Personality category, within the people section.

The five nominees with the most nominations (you can vote once per day, within each category) will make the final ballot and voting will open on April 1st to determine who will bring home the Best of Columbia award for 2022!

Click HERE to nominate Drew/CoMo!!!

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Drew Stuart Drew Stuart

CoMo Comic Books Makes Their Podcast Debut!

I was very humbled when I received the message from Ryan about sitting down for an interview for the podcast. Talking about comics on the YouTube channel is one thing, but when you realize that people are listening, it was very surreal for me. It was a blast chatting about comics, YouTube, and so much more.

Check out the episode by clicking on the image below.

Don’t Forget About Us Podcast!

A Brief Personal Glimpse: CoMo Comics

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Drew Stuart Drew Stuart

The CoMo Comic Books Store Goes LIVE!!!

As the world continues to adapt to the challenges of 2020 and the changing landscape of the collectibles market, selling online is more important than ever. After quickly tiring of eBay and their fees, the time was right to take our inventory to the web.

We will be adding to our online inventory in the coming days, weeks, and months. Our goal is to provide an eclectic assortment of comic books in the store ranging from Golden Age to Modern Age comics. Our primary focus will be adding books we have multiple copies of, aged stock that hasn’t sold at shows and more budget friendly keys that might not make it onto our wall at shows. Our top tier wall books will not be incorporated into the store’s inventory at the current time, as our primary goal is to supplement our comic con and show sales, while still maintaining the highest quality of stock, particularly wall books, for our con or show customers.

We also provided a link to our eBay store at the top of the store page. Check out our listings over there as well, where you will find action figures, more recent Walmart variants and a few random other things from time to time.

I hope you enjoy watching the store inventory build out and hope that we will be able to help you fill a few holes in your collection in the future.

Happy hunting and collect responsibly!


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Drew Stuart Drew Stuart

CoMo Comic Books Hits the Web!

2020 is a strange new world.

To continue the trend, CoMo Comic Books is pressing through the crazy of 2020 by expanding our presence on the web! January saw the launch of our YouTube channel and now, in August, CoMoComicBooks.com goes live! On our website you will find news, events, blog posts, and before long: eCommerce! We will begin offering selections from our vast inventory here on the site, in addition to CoMo merch!

I hope that this site will become a regular destination for you, as we diversify the content we offer and continue to build our community.

We’ll see you out there.


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